26 September 2009

New Hitchhickers Book Due Oct 12th.

So as an avid Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy Fan, and I mean avid.  Books (including the Huge Illustraited Hitchhickers with it's Holographic Cover.) The Film, which unlike many I enjoy, and will stop and watch on TV depite it being in my DVD colection. The BBC TV Series, witch got me hooked in the first place.  And of Course what started it all off the Original BBC Radio Production.  Also to this point I have the GERMAN yes GERMAN Radio version, which is just as funny on Cassette, you know those funny little oblong things with two holes on the middle and Tape, those objects first pointed at as the Ruin of the Music industry (in modern times, first it was sheet music.) with the slogan "Home Taping is Killing Music" but that's a winge For another time.
Well Despite Douglas Adams being Unfortunately Dead, the Sixth in the line of Hitchhickers books is ready to buy on the 12th October.  This brings two problems with it, 1. It is the same day that, that other satirical Genious Terry Pratchett publishes his 37th novel Unseen Academicals. (So a posibilty that overshodowing may occur.)
2. This one is not written by Douglas.  Well not directly, Eion Colfer a man selected by the Adams Estate to write the sixth book is writing it, and as far as I understand he was given Douglas's orginal writings for this book.
Now I have in my collection "The Salmon of Doubt" which is a mish mash put together from material on Douglas's Mac (that's the Computer and not the Raincoat).  And as I understood from that there was a ton of material Unpublished.  So it came as a little surprise but no great big one, that eventually the Sixth of the Hitchickers trilogy books would come to be published, one way or another, I have my pre-order with Amazon, along with the new Pratchett novel, and I have to say I am really looking forward to it, despite the slating it's got from so many, "So Called" true fans.  These are the first to write thier protest against, anything that's not from Douglas himself.  Ok I hope it stays at Six books then the real joke would be that each part of the trilogy would be two books long.  That's something to think about if your a marketing Idiot.  But unlike the "others" I am open minded to this new offering.  I am a big fan, of every thing Douglas did, so much so that I have an American copy of the Doctor Who Story Pirate Planet, the one wher he wrote the script, Shada being only available on line in the UK.
I also own the Dirk Gently novels, I give Douglas books and DVD's as presents, in the hope those who recieve enjoy just as much as I do.
So I will give the new book all the chance it deserves, and look forward to reading it, because for all you out there, it's the only way Douglas's genius will come to shine one more time as a BRAND NEW piece, and OK it's not Directly from Douglas but at least it's something, for someone who is sorley missed.
To this point for all you lucky People in the UK one of Douglas's may Side projects was "The Last Chance to See" About the Dissapearing animals from all over the world.  This has now been turned into a BBC TV Show with Mark Carwadine Douglas's Co-writer and fellow adventurer on this prodject back in 1989 where as Douglas Typical, it first found It's feet on Radio and then subsiquently as a book.  And one of Douglas's best friends (and I was following him on twitter as his count was only 10,000 people) Stephen Fry, so it's in very good hand, and all respect to Stephen, who suffered broken Limbs in the making of this show.  It's on BBC 2 on sunday.
Oh and my Father found where Arthur Dent has ended up, see the Picture underneath.

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