05 June 2009

What's up with Apple

As I got back from a well earned rest, and started iTunes to download my favourite podcasts. The software update asked me if I would like to update to iTunes 8.2.
Luckly I run a Mac and so the ensuming frustration did not take as long as if I was using Windows. Major updates, including quicktime and Garageband were also in the to do list.
Now I have a bad habit of multitasking my Mac. Software update, iTunes downloads and Mail all at the same time. It should not really pose a problem, but it did. Alias's forgotton, and then refuseal to shut progammes down; Led to a hard restart. So once I had overcome this little hirdle, and I had installed the update's, and then agreed to the new start.
I came across the problem I had, had with the 446 mb 10.5.7 update. The Mac just sat there after install and did nothing. And so I had to do another hardreset.
If the operating system had been Windows, I wouldn't have given it a second thought, but this is Apple, a Mac I'm not sure what problems are, that are happening in Apple at the moment. But I hope they are over soon.
Because it's a good way to lose buisness,with such software faults, as Microsoft has found out since the launch of Vista.

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