Most of the time I love living in Europe because of things like Healthcare, the Air and the Water, all are pretty much great, and no one can argue with that. But it's when I see video's like this one I wished this guy's store is around the corner. He has so many different types of Softdrinks/pop/Soda call it what you will, that the mind boggles and all in glass bottles, yes ALL, he only gets the Kosher Coke-Cola in Plastic because that's how it comes. Very few have that staple of American food production, Corn Syrup, so the vast majority of his stock is sugar based, but he also Carries mineral water, so I got a surprise as he mentioned Gerolsteiner water, as it's produced here in Germany, and I live in a town where in my opinion the best Mineral water is bottled, Bad Pyrmont, which is by a strange coincidence a part of the Gerolsteiner Company, as it was bought up a few years back. The video is a little over 12 minutes long but worth watching, I think the world need more of Guy's like John Nese, it just makes the world a better place.
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